Central District

Central District (Serving Pitt, Lenoir, Greene, Beaufort, Martin, Tyrell, Hyde, and Washington Counties)

District Key 3:

District Chair: Dan Taylor

District Commissioner: Dal Newbold, email dal.newbold@gmail.com

District Committees:

Finance Chair:  Open

Membership Chair: Rick Cannon

Program Chair: Andrew Wimsatt, cell (252) 702-5393, email: andrewwimsatt01@gmail.com

Vice Chair: Rick Cannon

Secretary: Adam Offenbacher

Central District Committee 2024-25

Monthly District Meetings:

District Committee Meeting:

2nd Wednesday of each month. Location: ZOOM Meeting 7-8 pm


Meeting ID: 825 7436 5880

Passcode: 532545

District Roundtables:

Central District Roundtable – 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM 

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 107 Louis Street, Greenville, NC 27858

District Eagle Board (Pitt Area):

2nd Tuesday of each month at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 107 Louis Street, Greenville, NC at 7:00pm.  Eagle Boards will be held in the left meeting room in the front of the sanctuary.  Enter the sanctuary through the double glass doors left of the main office.


Refer to Council Calendar for official information: https://scoutingecc.org/calendar/

Beaufort County United Wayhttp://www.unitedwaybc.net