Northern District

Northern District (Serving Bertie, Hertford, Halifax, Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson, Northampton Counties)

District Director –  Matthew Ghirarda – 252-904-6525 –

District  Key 3:

District Chair –   VACANT

District Commissioner – VACANT

District Committee Members:

    1. Membership Chair –  VACANT
    2. Friends of Scouting Chair –  VACANT
    3. Program Chair –  VACANT
      • Pinewood Derby
      • Fall Camporee
      • Freeze-O-ree
      • Day Camp
    4. Training Chair – VACANT
    5. Advancement Chair  – Al Boulo
      • Wilson Eagle Board – Chair Al Boulo
        1. We primarily meet at 6601 Wall St, Sims, NC 27880 but Boards of review requests can be at any units location.
      • Rocky Mount Eagle Board – Mike Gaynor
        1. First Tuesday of Each month at 6:00pm (Location is 2343 Professional Drive, Rocky Mount)
        2. Please have the Scout or their Scoutmaster reach out to the chair. A time will be scheduled to attend. Committee does not meet with any Scouts who are not on the schedule
      • Roanoke Rapids – Dan Harris
    6. Camping Chair – VACANT
    7. Order of the Arrow Chapter Advisors
      • Tau (Nash & Edgecombe Counties) –
        • Tau meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm (Rocky Mount Golden Corral)
        • Chapter Advisor – Bobby Newbold 252-813-6749
        • Associate Advisor – Stephanie Boone
    • Toisnot (Wilson County) –
      1. Toisnot meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:00pm (Elm City United Methodist Church)
      2. Chapter Advisor – Byron Kilpatrick 252-205-4813
      3. Associate Advisor – Marc Bonner

    The District Roundtable meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. Locations alternate between the following locations:

    1. First Baptist Church (311 Nash St W, Wilson, NC  27893)
    2. United Way Tar River Region (2501 Sunset Avenue Rocky Mount, NC 2780)
    3. Zoom options are available for all registered volunteers. Email with the link will be sent prior to the meeting