Event Flyers

Refund Policy of the East Carolina Council, BSA

  • The unit leader must submit a written request to the East Carolina Council Service Center prior to the start time of the event.
  • This Refund Policy applies to all camps, events and activities of the East Carolina Council, BSA unless otherwise stated.
  • All individual refunds are to be requested in writing and can be sent by mail or email.
  • Fees may be applied to another individual attending the same event, camp or activity if arranged with approval in advance.
  • Fees cannot be rolled-over to a camp, event or activity to occur at a later time.
  • Extenuating circumstances (i.e. relocation, illness with physician’s note) may be the exception and are at the discretion of the council.
  • Postponed events, camps or activities due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be issued store credit with the East Carolina Council, only if the participant would be unable to attend the make-up date, at the discretion of the council.
  • A cancellation fee will be subtracted from refunds to cover bank fees, processing costs and other costs. Events or activities with fees less than $10 will generally not be refunded.
  • Refunds that are made 30 days or later from the event will be a full refund minus any bank fees. Refunds made 7 days to 30 days prior to the event will be given a half refund. Refunds less than a week prior to the event will be up to the discretion of the council based on materials already purchased for the event. No refunds will be issued once the event starts. 

Adopted 10/3/23 Clark R. Garthwait

Please click on the video below for the “How To” run reports in Tentaroo for you Scouts that have earned merit badges at an East Carolina Council event

All event Flyers for East Carolina Council Events will be listed below

Tentaroo User’s Manual for your units and families. It provides step by step instructions on creating an account, managing accounts, registering for events.              





15                   Scoutmaster and Asst. Scoutmaster Training                     Flyer    
21-23             Southern District Winter Camporee      Flyer     Leader’s Guide   Astronomy Flyer
23                  Americanism Reception (Council Recognition Banquet)  Flyer
28                  ILSS /ILSC /ILST  Training                                                          Flyer     Guide
28                  Central District Heroree                                                             Flyer       Guide               


8                     Advancement Training                                                               Flyer
14-16             Wilderness First Aid / CPR /AED                                              Flyer
15-16              Become Baloo Trained                                                                Flyer
22                   Central District Pinewood Derby              Sign up Form     Flyer    Rules    
28-30             ECC Spring Cuboree (Jurassic Odyssey)                               Flyer    Guide                          


17                  Central District Banquet                  Invite    Flyer          Nomination Form


2-4                Scoutoree for Troops  (Formerly called Council Camporee  Flyer
2-4                Scoutoree for Packs (Formerly call Council Camporee         Flyer  


20-27            Summit Scout Reservation High Adventure                          Flyer
23-26            Southern District Cub Scout Day Camp                                   Flyer



8-10 & 15-17                 National Youth Leadership Training                       Flyer              



7-22-31           2026 National Jamboree, ECC Council Contingent            Flyer
WordScout Games FlyerGames Packet
WordScout Games FlyerGames Packet
WordScout Games FlyerGames Packet
 ECCCouncil Camporee BookletRegister
1-3  ECCCub Scout Council Camporee InfoBooklet Registration form
9WordScout Games FlyerGames Packet
TRTar River Fall Camporee Flyer
TRTar River Fall Camporee Flyer
CCDown East Wood Ducks Scout NightFlyer
ECCDown East Wood Ducks Scout NightFlyer
ECCDown East Wood Ducks Scout NightFlyer