We offer a full line of Scouting apparel, awards and accessories as well as a great assortment of craft and gift items.
Here are ways that our Scout Shop can support your Scouting experience:
Fax or email orders into the Scout Shop – To order items from the Scout Shop (such as advancement or recognition) you can fax your order to the Scout Shop at (252) 522-9707 or you can email your order to Teresa at teresa.rose@scouting.org Please allow 3 to 4 business days for your order to be processed.
For orders that are mailed the following costs will be charged in addition to postage to cover the cost of shipping materials – for orders up to $50.00 a $3.00 charge will apply, for orders $50.00 and more a $4.00 charge will apply effective January 31, 2017.
Scoutstuff.org – Visit www.scoutstuff.org and you can purchase any item in the National Catalog! For those items the Scout Shop doesn’t carry you can make a purchase online and it will be shipped to you. Your purchase will support the East Carolina Scout Shop!
Explore the Store – You can see what’s new from National Supply when you visit Scoutstuff.org by clicking on the “What’s New” icon. See what kind of new and cool items there are for your Scouts, parents and leaders. Order National Supply items through the East Carolina Council Scout Shop and save up to $3.00 on shipping per order.
Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Fridays 8:00am – 5:00pm. Check calendar for special closings and holidays.
For more information on the East Carolina Council Scout Shop please contact at 252-522-1521